Paola's DP

Welcome to my Digital Portfolio

High Tech High Chula Vista strongly believes in the habits of heart and mind that help you grow as a student and as a person there is six of them which are; Mindfulness, Perspective, Cooperation, Evidence, Refinement, Perseverance and Compassion. My favorite habit of heart and mind is Perseverance, because when i was a kid my parents thought me to never give up no matter how hard it was to succeed.

About Me 

My name is Paola Yee and I am a current Student at High Tech High Chula Vista. It's my second year in San Diego. The things that i enjoy the most are hanging out with my friends and family, playing with my dogs and going to the beach. The beach is my favorite place. I have a great passion for tennis and i would love to keep playing until i'm old. 


 Mindfulness - Mindfulness is the habit of being aware of your thoughts and actions at any moment, all of the time.

Perspective - Perspective is the habit of addressing questions from multiple viewpoints and using a variety of ways to solve problems.

Cooperation - Cooperation is the habit of working effectively with others, knowing your group strengths and weaknesses, and accepting and giving appropriate assistance.

Evidence - Evidence is the habit of bringing together relevant information, judging the credibility of sources, and finding out for oneself.

Refinement - Refinement is the habit of being self-reflective of your work, looking for strengths and weaknesses and always making improvements where it is possible.

Perseverance - Perseverance is the habit of being determined and not giving up even if you feel like it or if you face challenges or problems.

Compassion - Compassion is the habit of recognizing needs or struggles in your environment, and being willing to offer help or support with that need.

Contact Information: (if you have questions or comments send me a message)



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